
Work Experience


Project engineer - Volue Industrial IoT (Scanmatic AS)

Mainly working with industrial automation, both as main developer and project leader.
Delivering complete PLC control systems for tunnel automation and other minor traffic related automation.
During this period I also worked in the R&D department to help in multiple agile development projects with the software "H2".
During 2022 I developed the new tunnel automation platform based on Siemens PLCs. 


Project engineer - Scanmatic AS

Transitioned to working with automation projects. Delivering complete PLC control system for tunnel automation. Worked as a project leader for multiple multimillion projects.


Development engineer - Scanmatic AS

Paragraphs are the main building blocks of web pages. To change what this one says, just double-click here or hit Edit text. You can change the style here, too.


Developer - SmartWorks AS

Did a mini project with a landing page used by them to distribute different application based on what kind of device the user was on.



Ibestadtunnelen - Developer/Project engineer

Implementing tunnel automation based on the Siemens Platform.
Involved testing, verification with the costumer and education of contractors.


Prolog 3 - Developer/Project Leader

Joined a two-man team late in the development phase of a wood watering system called Prolog.
Later I took over the development and projects, and has since then delivered multiple projects.

The system is based on an older system called Prolog 2, the new version runs on a Twincat 3 PLC with a HMI server (HTML/Javascript) handling the UI.


SRO i skyen - Developer/Project leader

A project to change from Beckhoff to Siemens platform.
Based on our experience with tunnel automation we implemented all our existing functionality on the Siemens platform.


Multiplatform support H2 - Developer

Part of a three-man team to convert existing .Net Core software (H2) to support run on Linux + MySql. (Previously only supported Windows + MSSQL)


Converting H2 from .Net Framework to .Net Core - Developer

Part of a three-man team to convert existing .Net Framwork based software (H2) to .Net Core.


Converting H2 from .Net Framework to .Net Core - Developer

Part of a three-man team to convert existing .Net Framwork based software (H2) to .Net Core.


Multiple tunnel projects - Developer and Project leader

2017-2018 - Tømmernestunnelen, developer
Implementation, configuration, testing, verification and commissioning.

2018 - Fagernestunnelen, developer
Implementation, configuration, testing, verfication and commissioning.

2018-2019 - Isfjelltunnelen og Skardalstunnelen, project leader
Implementation, configuration, testing, verfication and commissioning.

2018-2019 - Larsbergtunnelen, project leader
Implementation, configuration, testing and verification.

2019-2020 - Korgfjelltunnelen Automatic Incident Detection, project leader
Delivered 136 dual camera (Thermal and optical) AID system based on Sprinx.


H2/Hidacs2 - Developer

Part of a two/three-man team to develop a data acquisition program called H2.
predecessor Hidacs (Historical and Instantaneous Data Acquisition Control System), was developed in the early 1990s, based on outdated technology.
H2 collects historical data from data loggers and gives the user multiple options for presentation. E.g using IEC104 directly to a external system, or using the integrated data visualization software.
H2 supports multiple protocols and is used today by several mayor power grid supplier to collect weather data.



Universitetet i Agder


Software development engineer


Dahlske Videregående skole
